Presented by: Tim Burt, LBS Creative Expert What do you do when a client or agency says, "We only buy digital!"? That's the perfect time to take control and prove your worth! Traditional radio and television have become an afterthought for some retailers and service providers. You'll learn how to overcome the "We buy digital" objections by utilizing an innovative and highly creative marketing packages. Join us to discover how to change advertisers’ and prospects’ stubborn mindsets with smart media strategies. Tim Burt is a broadcast industry veteran who wrote, Inside A Buyer's Mind: Moving Your Potential Customer From Short-Term Memory To Long-Term Success. Tim spent 25 years in corporate broadcasting; the last 16 years were with CBS Radio in St. Louis. There, he worked with countless clients, having to write commercials for everything from multi-million-dollar homes to ice cream, tires, etc. Virtually anything you can imagine! In 2021, Tim invented The QR Market™, a revolutionary marketing tool that allows you to simultaneously sell up to 4 things on the same screen.