
The Year of Sales Excellence: Increase Your Digital Sales & Closing Ratios
Event Date: January 15, 2025
Event Time: 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM EDT

Presented by: Shannon Kinney, Founder, Dream Local Digital

In this dynamic session, we'll cover how digital products work together to help your clients - and give you the tools to increase your closing ratios in today's market. We'll look at the four most important questions you can ask a prospect and how to become their trusted advisor. You'll leave with increased confidence, and a checklist for a perfect proposal to increase your closing ratios, and you'll learn what 92% of sellers don't know about persistence.

Dream Local Digital Founder and CEO, Shannon Kinney, brings more than 40 years of experience and more than 30 years of experience in leadership roles developing scalable digital marketing strategies to every presentation. She played a vital role in the development of such corporate giants as,, Knight Ridder Digital, LinkedIn, Google, eBay, and Microsoft until pivoting to found Dream Local Digital. Since Dream Local Digital’s creation in 2009, Shannon has helped media companies transform their business model and supported thousands of SMBs to develop and execute digital marketing strategies designed to grow and scale their businesses.