
Nuts & Bults of Political Broadcasting 2023
Event Date: October 10, 2023
Event Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

While the upcoming 2024 primary and general elections may be dominated by presidential and congressional races, they will also feature many statewide and local races. The OAB’s FCC counsel of Brooks Pierce, LLP, will present our biennial political broadcasting webinar to refresh our members on the applicable political broadcasting rules.

This session will discuss current issues in political broadcasting (including record keeping obligations for the political file portion of the online public file) and review the basic do’s and don’ts stations need to keep in mind as they receive requests for advertising time from — and sell time to — candidates and issue advertisers.

The latest edition of the Nuts and Bolts of Political Broadcasting Guide will be made available to stations prior to the webinar.