Many television broadcasters are keeping an eye on Locast—an Internet-based streaming service that picks up over-the-air broadcast signals and streams them live over the Internet on Locast’s website and apps...
Read moreSettlement of the ongoing legal battle over copyright between broadcasters and FilmOn X has been announced—but precious few details are available due to the confidential nature of the settlement. As...
Read moreIn 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Internet streaming service Aereo infringed copyright holders’ exclusive rights when it captured programs broadcast over the air and retransmitted them to paying...
Read moreIn November 2015, a D.C. federal court ruled that Internet video streaming service FilmOn X could not invoke the compulsory copyright license available to cable systems under Section 111 of the...
Read moreFollowing the U.S. Supreme Court’s Aereo decision in 2014, the battle between broadcasters and internet streaming services shifted to focus on whether online video distributors (OVDs) such as FilmOn X...
Read moreIn a potentially game-changing decision, a federal trial judge in California held Thursday that FilmOn X, an online streaming company, should be treated for purposes of copyright law as a...
Read moreA number of television stations across the country have received letters (view copy of letter) from FilmOn X stating it intends to retransmit the signals of television stations on the...
Read moreA New York federal court in late October dealt another blow to Internet streaming service Aereo when it granted broadcasters’ request for a preliminary injunction. The court’s Oct. 23 order prohibits...
Read moreThe Commission has imposed a large penalty—finally—on a group of cable operators for unauthorized retransmission of the broadcast signals of six different television stations. The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has imposed...
Read moreThe United States Supreme Court held today in a 6-3 opinion that Internet streaming service Aereo is illegal under the Copyright Act. The Court found that Aereo’s service “publicly performs”...
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