Jack Garrison
College: Purdue University
Major: Data Science
High School: Batavia High School
Year of Scholarship: 2024
The Ohio Broadcasters Foundation is pleased to recognize Jack Garrison as the recipient of our 2024 OAB Kids Scholarship! The son of Jason Garrison, Production Director at WCET in Cincinnati, Jack is a graduate of Batavia High School, and will be attending Purdue University, where he plans to study data science.
Jack grew up learning the ropes of video and audio production from his father, and would often rely on video as a creative and effective communication vehicle for projects in school and his many clubs and activities. But it is his lifelong interest in mathematics that has led him to pursue a career using data to connect and tell stories.
Pursuing a career that undoubtedly requires a great deal of intelligence, Jack has proven he has what it takes throughout his entire schooling career. Growing up with a lifelong strength in mathematics, Jack further developed his skills in high school, packing his course schedule with subjects like statistics, computer science, calculus, and physics, many of which were at the AP and honors levels. Jack found these subjects to be mentally stimulating, while consistently excelling, earning straight ‘A’s and landing a 4.3 GPA his senior year.
Outside the classroom, Jack also maintained a busy schedule of extracurriculars – from arts and athletics including musical theatre, band, and soccer, to activities where he could flex his smarts such as multiple honors societies, mock trial club, Academic Quiz team, and a Lego robotics club. Many of these activities tapped into Jack’s leadership skills, which he developed as an Eagle Scout, and participating in his school’s Hope Squad peer-to-peer suicide prevention program.
Jack’s career goals were solidified in the summer of 2023, when he attended a summer data science course with his future institution,
Purdue University. He hopes to one day use the subject matter to bring about a deeper understanding of the world, and to work towards solutions to some of society’s greatest challenges.
“Every discipline has data, and as we perpetually move towards a more computer-driven future, new technology is allowing more and more insights to be drawn from data… New answers are emerging even before questions are being asked. To be a data scientist is to look for those answers in everything and everywhere, from finance to climate,” Jack states about his field of study. “Every discipline has data, and I cannot wait to join the search for our biggest answers.”
The OAB is thrilled to provide this year’s scholarship to a student with such promise and ambition and we are confident Jack will go on to great things. As his school Superintendent suggested to us, “Jack is the recipient of many natural gifts and talents, and he strives to use those for the benefit of others every day… (he) will be amazing at whatever he chooses to pursue.”
About the Ohio Broadcasters Foundation
The Ohio Broadcasters Foundation is the educational foundation affiliated with the Ohio Association of Broadcasters, the not-for-profit trade association of radio and television stations in Ohio. The OAB Kids Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating high school senior planning to attend college next year whose parent is employed by an OAB member station.
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