
Best Practices for Remote Radio Broadcast Operations August 12, 2020

While we can’t have everyone together in-person this year Midwest Broadcast & Multimedia Technology Conference, we do want to support engineering and multimedia professionals at our member stations during these...

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AM Revitalization: Comment Dates Set on Proposals to Reduce Interference Protection to Class A AM Radio Stations November 27, 2018

Comment dates are set on the FCC’s Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Second Further Notice”) that seeks, among other things, input on several proposals for reducing the extensive interference...

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AM Revitalization: FCC Seeks Comment on Proposals to Reduce Interference Protection to Class A AM Radio Stations October 24, 2018

As part of its ongoing efforts to revitalize the AM service, the FCC earlier this month released a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Second Further Notice”) that seeks, among...

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More Music Copyright News: Court Upholds Radio Streaming Rates Set by Copyright Royalty Board September 25, 2018

Also last week, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia rejected an appeal from SoundExchange and upheld the royalty rates that the Copyright Royalty Board (“CRB”)...

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Music Licensing Alert: Action Required by September 30, 2018, for Commercial Radio Stations Seeking Extension of GMR Interim License August 21, 2018

Commercial radio stations wishing to extend their interim license with performing rights organization GMR (Global Music Rights) must take action by September 30, 2018.  You’ll recall that GMR was formed...

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FCC Seeks Comment on State of Competition in “Audio Programming” Marketplace July 25, 2018

The FCC announced in a Public Notice (“Notice”) released on July 23, 2018, that it is seeking comment on “the state of competition in the marketplace for the delivery of...

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Comment Dates Set on FCC’s Proposal to Create a New Class of FM Stations and Amend “Short-Spacing” Rules July 24, 2018

Comment dates are now set on the Notice of Inquiry (“Notice”) in which the FCC (1) explores the possibility of creating a new intermediate class of FM radio stations—to be...

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FCC Extends Comment Dates on Its Proposal to Streamline the FM Translator Interference Complaint Process July 5, 2018

The FCC is giving stations and other interested parties an extra month to comment on its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Notice”) that proposes to “streamline” and “expedite” the FM translator...

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FCC Rejects Informal Objection to Hundreds of FM Translator Applications June 14, 2018

The FCC wasted little time in dismissing and denying an Informal Objection (“Informal Objection”) filed in late May by three so-called advocacy groups against almost 1,000 pending FM translator applications. ...

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Comment Dates Set for FCC’s Proposal to Streamline the FM Translator Interference Complaint Process June 6, 2018

Deadlines for comments and reply comments are now set on the FCC’s long-awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“Notice”) that proposes to “streamline” and “expedite” the FM translator complaint resolution process.  Comments...

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